Art Gallery | ●●●●◖ 4.4/17 reviews
27 Malham Rd, London SE23 1AH, United Kingdom
Opening times run in connection with our exhibitions, please check the website to see whether we are open before visiting or call us.
Anise Gallery is an architectural art work gallery. We curate around 6 exhibitions a year which focus on art work inspired by architecture or the built environment. Exhibitions are often accompanied by a programme of talks and events that add to the dialogue. Currently relocating to The Old Chapel in Forest Hill.
[Open Hours]:
no open time available
Art Gallery | ●●●●◖ 4.4/17 reviews
27 Malham Rd, London SE23 1AH, United Kingdom
Opening times run in connection with our exhibitions, please check the website to see whether we are open before visiting or call us.
Anise Gallery is an architectural art work gallery. We curate around 6 exhibitions a year which focus on art work inspired by architecture or the built environment. Exhibitions are often accompanied by a programme of talks and events that add to the dialogue. Currently relocating to The Old Chapel in Forest Hill.
[Open Hours]:
no open time available