Arts Organization | ●●●●● 5.0/8 reviews
34 E 23rd St 4th floor, New York, NY 10010
SoMad®is a femme and queer led independent art space fostering a creative community as an art gallery, production house, and platform. Located south of Madison Square Park, SoMad references both our location and the collective frustration with the… More
[Open Hours]:
no open time available
Arts Organization | ●●●●● 5.0/8 reviews
34 E 23rd St 4th floor, New York, NY 10010
SoMad®is a femme and queer led independent art space fostering a creative community as an art gallery, production house, and platform. Located south of Madison Square Park, SoMad references both our location and the collective frustration with the… More
[Open Hours]:
no open time available