12/11/24 - 12/31/24
storage story
City: [Seoul]
12/7/24 - 12/28/24
Moonjoo Lee_ Continuous Cities
City: [Seoul]
12/7/24 - 12/29/24
De-Boundary Gardener
City: [Seoul]
12/6/24 - 1/10/25
All That Breathes
City: [Seoul]
12/6/24 - 12/29/24
When All Asleep
City: [Seoul]
12/5/24 - 12/28/24
City: [Seoul]
12/5/24 - 1/4/25
City: [Seoul]
12/3/24 - 1/26/25
Rocks, Smoke, and Pianos
City: [Seoul]
12/3/24 - 1/26/25
Moving Stillness
City: [Seoul]
12/3/24 - 1/26/25
Rocks, Smoke, and Pianos
City: [Seoul]
12/3/24 - 1/26/25
Moving Stillness
City: [Seoul]
11/30/24 - 12/29/24
Ancient Refrigerator
City: [Seoul]
11/30/24 - 3/3/25
Vienna 1900, The Dreaming Artists: From Gustav Klimt to Egon Schiele
Org: [Children's Museum of the National Museum of Korea]
City: [Seoul]
11/27/24 - 12/28/24
Ekrem Yalçındağ: Dance with Hands
City: [Seoul]
11/27/24 - 12/28/24
City: [Seoul]
11/26/24 - 3/3/25
Sculpted Celadon of the Goryeo Dynasty
Org: [Children's Museum of the National Museum of Korea]
City: [Seoul]
11/22/24 - 12/31/24
City: [Seoul]
11/21/24 - 1/25/25
James Rosenquist: Dream World: Paintings, drawings and collages, 1961–1968
City: [Seoul]
11/21/24 - 12/28/24
The Drawings
City: [Seoul]
11/20/24 - 12/21/24
Markus Amm
City: [Seoul]
11/20/24 - 12/21/24
Markus Amm: Cats, Goats and Monsters
City: [Seoul]
11/16/24 - 12/27/24
Una Singular Reunión
City: [Seoul]
11/15/24 - 12/24/24
The Order of Time
City: [Seoul]
11/15/24 - 12/28/24
Suh Yongsun: 300 Morgan Avenue
City: [Seoul]
11/15/24 - 5/18/25
Art In Life, Life In Art
City: [Seoul]
11/15/24 - 1/18/25
Minju Kang: Welcome to my island
City: [Seoul]
11/15/24 - 12/24/24
Hong Soun & Juergen Staack: The Order of Time
City: [Seoul]
11/14/24 - 2/15/25
Wi-Fi, Mak2’s: Cows With Built-in Wi-Fi
City: [Seoul]
11/14/24 - 12/31/24
智智, Lumière: Yoon Sang Yuel, Na Jeom Soo
City: [Seoul]
11/13/24 - 12/8/24
Dark Change
Org: [SPACE Willing N Dealing]
City: [Seoul]
11/13/24 - 12/21/24
Hanna Hur: 8
City: [Seoul]
11/9/24 - 12/20/24
Jimmy DeSana (estate of): Subversions
City: [Seoul]
11/9/24 - 12/14/24
Celestial Bodies
City: [Seoul]
11/9/24 - 12/21/24
Jihyoung Han: Lavish Bone
City: [Seoul]
11/9/24 - 12/21/24
Jihyoung Han: Lavish Bone
City: [Seoul]
11/8/24 - 12/28/24
Lawrence Weiner: Anything Added To Something
City: [Seoul]
11/8/24 - 12/28/24
City: [Seoul]
11/8/24 - 11/28/24
Cha Youngseok: Jouissance
City: [Seoul]
11/8/24 - 12/14/24
Old Soul – New Soul
City: [Seoul]
11/8/24 - 12/14/24
Thomias Radin: Old Soul – New Soul
City: [Seoul]
11/8/24 - 12/3/24
City: [Seoul]
11/7/24 - 1/18/25
Hyun Jung Ahn: Beyond the Crevices
City: [Seoul]
11/6/24 - 12/22/24
Jin Han Lee : Lucid Dreams
City: [Seoul]
11/6/24 - 12/22/24
Jin Han Lee: Lucid Dreams
City: [Seoul]
11/5/24 - 12/28/24
OSGEMEOS: Portal of Dreams
City: [Seoul]
11/5/24 - 12/28/24
Osgemeos: Portal of Dreams
City: [Seoul]
10/31/24 - 12/21/24
Thilo Heinzmann: Upfront, wild and unchained
City: [Seoul]
10/31/24 - 12/21/24
City: [Seoul]
10/31/24 - 11/30/24
Kim Taeyeon: Nameless Background
City: [Seoul]
10/31/24 - 12/21/24
Thilo Heinzmann: upfront, wild and unchained
City: [Seoul]
10/31/24 - 11/17/24
Traces of Time, Echoes of Space
City: [Seoul]
10/31/24 - 1/4/25
Kim Young Jin
City: [Seoul]
10/30/24 - 12/14/24
SUN Xun : Heroes and Magicians
City: [Seoul]
10/30/24 - 12/21/24
Richard Aldrich: Double Gemini
City: [Seoul]
10/30/24 - 12/14/24
BOO Jihyun : The Home
City: [Seoul]
10/30/24 - 12/14/24
Boo Jihyun: The Home
City: [Seoul]
10/30/24 - 12/14/24
Sun Xun: Heroes And Magicians
City: [Seoul]
10/29/24 - 12/31/24
Kim Tschoon-Su
City: [Seoul]
10/26/24 - 11/30/24
Clédia Fourniau: Mashenup
City: [Seoul]
10/25/24 - 11/30/24
Martin Boyce: Celestial Snowdrops
Org: [Galerie Eva Presenhuber x P21]
City: [Seoul]
10/23/24 - 12/27/24
Objemage(Objet+Image) : Postcard
City: [Seoul]
10/23/24 - 11/23/24
Two-Side Love
City: [Seoul]
10/23/24 - 11/23/24
Two-side Love
City: [Seoul]
10/19/24 - 12/8/24
Jung Haiyun: If one could buy Peace
City: [Seoul]
10/19/24 - 12/8/24
JUNG HAIYUN: If one could buy Peace
City: [Seoul]
10/17/24 - 11/16/24
Hyena Kim: log cabin romance
City: [Seoul]
10/17/24 - 11/23/24
City: [Seoul]
10/17/24 - 11/24/24
Yeji Sei Lee: In Vibrant Hues, Their Voices Laid
City: [Seoul]
10/17/24 - 11/16/24
Beyond Gaze Into Self
City: [Seoul]
10/17/24 - 11/16/24
Kang Junseok: Melange
City: [Seoul]
10/16/24 - 11/16/24
Ha Jung Woo: Never tell anybody outside the family
City: [Seoul]
10/16/24 - 11/24/24
City: [Seoul]
10/15/24 - 11/3/24
Donghwan Kam: To the Beaver's House
Org: [Buk-Seoul Museum of Art]
City: [Seoul]
10/15/24 - 12/7/24
YUNHEE LEE : The Wall and the Egg : Standing Together in Fragility
City: [Seoul]
10/15/24 - 12/7/24
Yunhee Lee: The Wall and the Egg: Standing Together in Fragility
City: [Seoul]
10/12/24 - 11/10/24
Breaking Boundaries
City: [Seoul]
10/12/24 - 11/10/24
Breaking Boundaries
City: [Seoul]
10/11/24 - 11/2/24
A Language of Flesh and Shells
City: [Seoul]
10/10/24 - 11/23/24
City: [Seoul]
10/10/24 - 10/30/24
Naul & Noh Jun
City: [Seoul]
10/10/24 - 11/9/24
Short Sleeves
City: [Seoul]
10/10/24 - 10/30/24
Naul & Noh Jun
City: [Seoul]
10/5/24 - 11/3/24
Sungsil Ryu: Return to Roots: A Retrospective in Memory of Cherry Jang (1984-2019)
City: [Seoul]
10/5/24 - 11/3/24
Sungsil Ryu
City: [Seoul]
10/4/24 - 10/30/24
Woven Knot
City: [Seoul]
10/4/24 - 11/1/24
Wish Bone Ash
City: [Seoul]
10/3/24 - 10/29/24
Soshi Matsunobe: Woven Knot
City: [Seoul]
10/2/24 - 11/2/24
Frédéric Léglise
Org: [Art Works Paris Seoul Gallery]
City: [Seoul]
10/2/24 - 10/27/24
NAVIN : This Much Closer
City: [Seoul]
10/2/24 - 10/26/24
Somewhere, Someone
City: [Seoul]
10/2/24 - 10/26/24
Gema Quiles: Somewhere, Someone
City: [Seoul]
10/2/24 - 10/12/24
the preview PRIVATE CKS 1st
City: [Seoul]
10/1/24 - 11/9/24
Chung Eun-Mo
City: [Seoul]
10/1/24 - 11/9/24
Chung Eun-Mo
City: [Seoul]
9/27/24 - 10/20/24
Whispers of the Unsettling
Org: [SPACE Willing N Dealing]
City: [Seoul]
9/27/24 - 10/20/24
Alexander Guy: Jetset
City: [Seoul]
9/25/24 - 10/31/24
Picking Flowers" by Ugo Li
City: [Seoul]
9/24/24 - 10/19/24
September 24, 2024
City: [Seoul]
9/21/24 - 10/19/24
City: [Seoul]
9/13/24 - 10/9/24
Moon Hyeongtae: Perfect Picture
City: [Seoul]
9/13/24 - 9/30/24
Whistling Wish
City: [Seoul]
9/12/24 - 10/30/24
Xavier Veilhan: Assemblée
City: [Seoul]
9/7/24 - 10/10/24
Tony Cragg : New Sculptures
City: [Seoul]
9/6/24 - 9/26/24
형박색음 形拍色音 Form : Beat ≒ Color : Frequency
City: [Seoul]
9/5/24 - 10/12/24
Joan Jonas: The Wind Sings
City: [Seoul]
9/5/24 - 10/19/24
Still, Life, Manual
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/19/24
Kishio Suga: 20 Years
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 11/23/24
Portrait of a Collection
Org: [SongEun Art and Cultural Foundation]
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 9/7/24
FRIEZE Seoul 2024
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/19/24
그, 그들 그리고 그들 | they, them, and them
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/26/24
Wang Guangle
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 9/8/24
Kiaf Seoul 2024
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 12/14/24
Gabriel Orozco
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 12/14/24
Gabriel Orozco
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/12/24
Subodh Gupta : Inner Garden
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/12/24
LEE Dongwook: Red and Shiny
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 9/30/24
Timeless Expressions: Korean Art
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 9/30/24
Timeless Expression: Korean Art
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/12/24
Subodh Gupta: Inner Garden
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/19/24
Taek-Sang Kim: Time Odyssey
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/12/24
Lee Dongwook: Red and Shiny
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/10/24
Horst Antes: Eine Form von Figur
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/26/24
Lee Ufan and Mark Rothko: Correspondence
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/26/24
Wang Guangle
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/19/24
They, them, and them
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 11/17/24
Anton Munar: Malas Hierbas
City: [Seoul]
9/4/24 - 10/12/24
Sinae Yoo: Derivative Messiah
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 11/9/24
Georg Baselitz : adler barfuß
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 11/9/24
Sean Scully : Soul
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 10/31/24
5th Anniversary Exhibition
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 10/5/24
I Thought I Lost It!: Ding Yi & Shiota Chiharu
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 11/9/24
Georg Baselitz: Adler barfuß
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 11/9/24
Sean Scully: Soul
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 10/5/24
도자이상(圖瓷二想) : 도자기와 그림에 대한 두 생각Two Different Discernments: Kang Min Soo & Park Sung Min on Ceramic
City: [Seoul]
9/3/24 - 10/5/24
Sam Falls
Org: [Galerie Eva Presenhuber x P21]
City: [Seoul]