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< Hyper Vision >

Ziyue Wang

Works (4)

《Atlas Alienation》

Ziyue Wang (Director)
Xingyuan Jiang (Real-time VJ operator)
Hong Shen (3D animator)
Rong You (Musician)
Zhihao Huang (Dancer)
Alice (Dancer)

Medium: New media performance (Digital video)
Duration: 2’50’’
Year: 2019

"Atlas Alienation" is an immersive audiovisual performance that demonstrates how people live in a world full of surveillance and algorithmic system from an enactivism position.

In the project, the author tries to talk about the status of the hyperimage and its relationship with all the data fever spectacles of our society. The performance is based on non-linear vision and the images it produces. Rather than simply questioning the public's addiction to virtual images, the author wants to delve deeper into the interactive screens and poetically reflect on our flesh as spectacle and the spiritual appeals of iconography.

《The Womb of Lilith》

Artists: Ziyue Wang
Medium: Digital video
Duration: 1’24’’
Year: 2021

"The womb of Lilith" is a fantasy of roaming the maternal space in an immersive asexual reproduction mechanism. The work is based on a non-linear visual story, triggered by a prototype of a hyper womb space.

《Untitled Spectacle》

Artists: Ziyue Wang
Medium: Digital video
Duration: 3’29’’
Year: 2021

"Untitled Spectacle" reveals the speculation between our reality and the virtual universe through visual sculpture and short film, presenting a mixed environment of urban and oasis, and our cyborg flesh in a game engine.


Ziyue Wang
[London, United Kingdom]

Art Yourself Atelier is pleased to present 『Hyper Vision』, a distinctive online solo exhibition showcasing the profound artistic innovation of Ziyue Wang, an ascending artist based in London.

Artist's Biography

Ziyue graduated from UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, she works in an integrative and multidisciplinary field of art, design and technology, with a special interest in audiovisual discourse. Since 2015, she has started her art practice while collaborating with various music bands, concerts, fashion events and performance artists. She has collaborated with UCCA Lab, Nefelibata London, The either New York.

She is currently simulating 'Hypernature' - an immersive audiovisual experience based on Timmothy Morton's theory of Hyperobjects by exploring VR technology and ambisonic sound composition. Her art projects have been exhibited at international events, including Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria (2022), the London Festival of Architecture (2022), PUSH UX in Munich (2023), and Artsect Gallery in London (2023).

About the Solo Exhibition

In a world saturated with surveillance and advanced analytical systems, how do we navigate our existence in the contemporary context? The visual landscape of modern life has evolved beyond novelty its influence persists, reinforced by the rapid proliferation of innovative technologies. With the integration of our bodies with the internet, mobile devices and the emerging metaverse, we are moving beyond mere cyborg experiences. This marks a transition to a hyper-future where individuals wield the power to define their cosmic presence, transcending boundaries, redefining human-centred dialogues and augmenting the senses of our corporeal form. The era of hyper-enactivism is upon us.

Through a multimedia approach, the artist seeks to reveal the interplay between our tangible reality and the virtual vastness of the metaverse. By incorporating various elements that underscore the symbiotic relationship between humanity and technology, the exhibition seeks to provoke a heightened awareness of the environment in which we coexist. It encourages viewers to reflect on their physical and mental responses within the context of contemporary life.

Her Art Exhibition Experience

2024 · Los Angeles, United States
TWHA WHIF, Gong Gallery (Project: Atlas Alienation)

2023 · Munich, Germany
PUSH UX, Alte Kongresshalle München (Project: Hypernature)

2023 · London, United Kingdom
London Design Festival, Borough Yards (Project: Hypernature)

2023 · London, United Kingdom
Utopian City, Artsect Gallery (Project: Hypernature)

2023 · London, United Kingdom
Canal Dream Art Festival, Slash Arts (Project: Hypernature)

2023 · Shanghai, China
Thinking Youth Excellent Works Exhibition, Zhangjiang Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (Project: Hypernature)

2022 · London, United Kingdom
UCL Bartlett FIFTEEN SHOW (Project: Hypernature)

2022 · Linz, Austria
Ars Electronica, Kunstuniversität Linz (Project: Hypernature)

2022 · London, United Kingdom
London Architecture Festival (Project: Hypernature)

2022 · London, United Kingdom
Bloomsbury Theatre (Project: Hypernature)

2022 · Shanghai, China
WHITE WHOLE, System (Project: Untitled Spectacle)

2021 · China
Animal Faith, Cryptovoxels CHIJIN (Project: Untitled Spectacle)

2021 · Guangzhou, China
Possible World, STAR ART Museum (Project: Untitled Spectacle)

2021 · Shanghai, China
Night at the Museum, 1929 Art Space (Project: The Womb of Lilith)

2020 · Jiangsu, China
One Look Youth Festival, Fanrong Art Museum (Project: The Womb of Lilith)

2020 · Shanghai, China
Future to see the future, M50, Moganshan Road (Project: The Womb of Lilith)

2019 · Shanghai, China
The 4th Thinking Youth, Shanghai International Fashion Centre (Project: Atlas Alienation)

2018 · Shanghai, China
The stillness that moves, Art&Craft Gallery (Project: Prometheus on the Lake)

2016 · Shanghai, China
Watch Your Six, Shanghai Theatre Academy (Project: After Cognition)

Her Study Experience

2022 · London, United Kingdom
Master of Architecture, University College London, Design for Performance and Interaction

2019 · Shanghai, China
Bachelor of Fine Art, China Academy of Art, Audiovisual Interactive Design