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< Don’t Look Away >

Youvi Chow
Works (35)

Youvi Chow
[Shanghai, China]

Art Yourself Atelier is thrilled to announce Youvi Chow's first solo exhibition -- «Don’t Look Away» on our platform.

Artist's Biography

Youvi Chow was born in Guangzhou, China and lives in Shanghai and Chiang Mai. Through sojourn in different places, Youvi experiences the atmosphere and living conditions of different cultural backgrounds, obtain fresh inspiration and energy, and capture the flowing moments of every minute and every second in daily life. By recording the abstract body and changing time, she explores the combination of the virtual and the real. Youvi also uses gradual language to present fragmentary fragments of inner memory and romance, gently converting imagination and reality. Her artworks have been exhibited in New York, Seoul, Bristol, Nottingham, Moscow, Shanghai and other places.

生于广州,暂居上海,旅居清迈,通过旅居来感受不同文化背景下的风气和生活状态,获取新鲜 灵感和能量,捕捉日常生活里每分每秒的流动时刻;通过记录抽象的身体和不断变化的时间,探 索两者虚实交杂的结合点;再用渐变语言呈现出内心记忆和浪漫的零碎片段,将想象与现实温柔 地转换。作品曾展出于纽约、首尔、布里斯托、诺丁汉、莫斯科、上海等地。

About the Solo Exhibition

Youvi taking body parts and flowers as the theme of daily creation, what she want to show is not only desire and thirst, but also the constantly changing and torn relationship between body and beauty. And flowers, like the body, wither and prosper day and night. Soft yet powerful, independent yet extremely intimate. She hope they present a sense of space, speed, ambiguous, lively, and harmonious and free. No matter what kind of body, no matter what kind of flowers and plants, there is light and beauty, and they are all worthy of being recorded.

以身体局部及花卉作为日常创作的主题,想展现的不仅仅是欲和渴,还有身体与 美之间不断变动、来回撕扯的关系。而花也如身体一样,朝夕枯荣。 虽柔软却有力量,虽彼此独立却又极度亲密。我希望她们呈现出空间感、速度 感,是模糊暧昧的,是生动活泼的,也是和谐自由的。 无论怎么样的身体,无论 怎样的花草,都有光,都美好,都值得被记录。

Her Art Exhibition Experience

2017 · #1secff movie - Picture Gallery, NEW YORK
2017 · ADCK - Gallery IANG, SEOUL
2018 · Nail Exhibition - Nottingham Contemporary, NOTTINGHAM
2018 · Smile Exhibition - OTR Gallery, BRISTOL
2018 · Trnava 10th Poster Triennial - Jan Koniarek Gallery, SLOVAK
2019 · Shanghai Design 10x10 International Competition Foruv - Art Gallery SAFA, SHANGHAI
2019 · Tank Art Festival _ Almost Art Project - Tank, SHANGHAI
2021 · A Good Enough Movie _ AFDT Illustration Exhibition - K11, SHANGHAI
2021 · Return to Forever Festival - Canel Hub, WUXI
2021 · The Law of Alchemy - Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0 Space, BEIJING

2017 · 替代影院 #一秒電影節 - Picture畫廊 紐約
2017 · ADCK亞洲設計展 - IANG畫廊 首爾
2018 · 指甲計畫 - 諾丁漢當代藝術中心 諾丁漢
2018 · 微笑展 - OTR畫廊 布里斯托
2018 · 特尔纳瓦第十屆海報設計三年展 - Jan Koniarek畫廊 斯洛伐克
2019 · 上海設計10x10 - 上海美術學院美術館 上海
2019 · 油罐玩家藝術節 - 素人藝術節 - 上海油罐藝術中心 上海
2021 · 足夠好的電影 - AFDT電影主題插畫展 - K11 上海
2021 · 重返始終 運河匯藝術季 - 運河匯 無錫
2021 · 煉金法則 賢者石與四元素 - 三影堂攝影藝術中心 3.0 Space 北京