Art Yourself Atelier is thrilled to announce Laurène southe's solo exhibition -- «Professional Dreamer» on our platform.
Artist's Biography
Laurène southe is a 21 years old multi-disciplinary artist based in Vienna, Austria of Congolese descent. As early as the age of Three, she moved back and forth to Switzerland, attending boarding school at the borders of France. In 2011, Laurène relocated to South East London where she would receive most of her secondary education. Whilst a middle school student, she would also attend the Anna Fiorentini Theatre and Film School, building there a passion for creative writing. After returning back to her hometown, Laurène is believed to have developed a mood disorder which would then effect every aspect of her life. As a result of struggling with her mental health throughout high school, in the beginning of year 2020, she decided to take matters into her own hands and began showcasing her many talents publicly. From poetry, song & essay writing to photography and videography, Laurène is no stranger to self-discovery and takes every opportunity she gets to express herself creatively.
About the Solo Exhibition
"My present profession is of a dreamer in progress of becoming a visionary. For now, I have dreams with the ambition of forming clear visions."
-- Laurène southe
Although Laurène has dealt with art as a form of expression for more than a decade, it was at the beginning of the year 2020 that she started to come out with her own projects publicly. Inspired by the likes of Nina Simone, Emily Dickinson, and her step-sisters Marie Noel (Actress / screenwriter) and Mireille Ngosso (Politician / doctor - formerly singer}, Laurène decided to take matters in her own hands and built up her work to be interpreted as the foundation to her < VISION > This solo exhibition projects glimpses of the artist, or better said, the visionary she has yet to become. One comes across a few of her interests such as mental health and self-identity, where more is left for the viewer to explore.
Her Work Experience
2021 Jan – Present, Vienna · Austria
SE2 Solutions
2019 Jan – 2019 Sep
Pro Staff